La chiesa di Santa Maria di Mesumundu è un esempio affascinante di architettura romanica in un suggestivo ambiente campestre.

È stata costruita all’inizio del XII secolo, consacrata nel 1162 da Attone, un vescovo camaldolese, e donata ai monaci di Camaldoli un anno dopo.

Fa parte dell’ordine monastico camaldolese creato da San Romualdo nel 1012.

L’edificio è realizzato con blocchi di pietra chiara e ha una navata singola con abside e copertura a capriate lignee.

La facciata, ricostruita successivamente, ha un campanile a vela e un portale architravato.

All’interno custodisce una copia della statua della Madonna delle Rose, mentre l’originale si trova nella chiesa parrocchiale di Anela.


At present, many churches stand isolated in rural sites, and one has the feeling that they act as sentinels of the past, intent on transmitting an ancient knowledge that we contemporaries are trying to dispel from the mists of oblivion. A typical example is the church of Santa Maria di Mesumundu di Anela dating back to the early 12th century.

Like other Romanesque churches in Sardinia, its history is linked to that of the Camaldolese monastic order created in 1012 by Saint Romuald. The church was consecrated on 13 May 1162 by Attone, Bishop of Castro from the Camaldolese order, with a formal act witnessed by a parchment found in 1977 during restoration work on the altar.

A year after the consecration, Attone himself, with the authorisation of the Turretan judge Barisone II de Lacon-Gunale and Alberto, archbishop of Torres, donated the church of Santa Maria di Mesumundu to the monks of Camaldoli together with those of San Giorgio di Aneletto and San Saturnino di Usolvisi.

The building, made of square blocks of light-coloured sedimentary stone, has a single nave with an apse and a wooden truss roof. The façade, later reconstructed, has a gabled profile surmounted by a bell gable and an architraved portal. The sides and apse are the only architectural elements attributable to the Romanesque building. In the flanks, there are three double-arched single lancet windows with a slightly ogival profile. On the right side, there is also an architraved portal with a moulded archway. In the central part of the apse raised by a shoe-shaped plinth, there is a single lancet window.

The church of Santa Maria di Mesumundu is also known as the Church of the Madonna delle Rose. Inside, it houses a copy of the 16th-century wooden statue of the Blessed Virgin of the Roses, while the original can be admired in the parish church of Anela.


Angius, ”Sassari”, in G. Casalis Dizionario geografico storico-statistico-commerciale degli Stati di S.M. il Re di Sardegna,XVIII, Torino, G. Maspero, 1849, p. 324, n. 5;
G. Ortu, Anela: ambiente, uomini, fatti, Ozieri, Voce del Logudoro, 1970, pp. 29-35;
G. Zanetti, I Camaldolesi in Sardegna, Cagliari, Fossataro, 1974, pp. 125-129;F. Amadu, La diocesi medioevale di Castro, Ozieri, Il Torchietto, 1984, pp. 19-24;
T. Oppes, Il Goceano, Cagliari, Edisar, 1990;
R. Coroneo, Architettura romanica dalla metà del Mille al primo ‘300, Nuoro, Ilisso, 1993, scheda 48;
R. Coroneo, Chiese romaniche della Sardegna. Itinerari turistico-culturali, Cagliari,

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