La chiesa rappresenta un luogo di grande importanza storica e artistica nel cuore di Aritzo, un incantevole comune nell’interno della Sardegna.

Costruita su un presunto impianto romanico, ha subìto nel corso dei secoli vari interventi di restauro che hanno alterato l’aspetto originale.

La facciata è caratterizzata da archetti a tutto sesto, un portale sopraccigliato con un dipinto di San Michele Arcangelo nella lunetta, e un frontone decorato con un rosone e due monofore laterali. All’interno della chiesa, sono visibili elementi architettonici originali come archi a tutto sesto e capitelli, insieme a preziose opere d’arte, tra cui una statua di San Cristoforo del Settecento e un organo settecentesco nella sacrestia.


The historic centres of some towns located in inland areas are sometimes real treasure within which it is possible to find traces of the long human journey that has taken place over the millennia. The village of Aritzo is a tangible example of this phenomenon, where the past is still present and permeates the life of the entire community. The parish church of San Michele Arcangelo, a short distance from the ancient Aragonese prisons, represents the fulcrum around which the stories of its inhabitants have revolved. Built in the historical centre on a presumably Romanesque plan, it has undergone numerous restorations over the centuries that have disrupted its original layout.

In its present state, the temple is majestic and elegant with the Gothic-Aragonese parts still intact and with various artistic works inside.

On the façade, adorned with rounded arches, decorated on the inside and resting on pilasters, there is a lunettes and eyebrowed portal, the architrave of which rests on two columns with undecorated capitals; in the lunette there is a painting of Saint Michael the Archangel. In the gable, whose double-sloping profile is surrounded by trefoil arches, there is a rose window and two single-lancet windows enclosed by pilasters. On the right side of the façade rises a bell tower with a square profile from the 15th century, housing a bell with an inscription dated 1605.

Inside the church, where architectural elements attributable to the original or slightly later layout, such as round arches and capitals, are still visible, the side chapels stand out, some of which are embellished with prestigious works of art; among the most significant works are the 18th-century statue of St. Christopher, a silver cross and a silver cross of the Virgin Mary. Cristoforo, a 15th-century silver cross, the polychrome wooden sculpture of the Pietà, which arrived in Aritzo at the beginning of the 18th century, and the paintings by the popular local artist Antonio Mura, who loved to depict the pious faces of his fellow villagers in his works. The altar is made of precious polychrome marble, while the sacristy holds a precious 18th-century organ, in addition to interesting wooden furnishings.


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COMUNE:Aritzo INDIRIZZO:Corso Umberto, 08031 Aritzo NU MAPPA:Array
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