Bonòrva, Church of San Lorenzo di Rebèccu (Saint Lawrence)


La chiesa di San Lorenzo è un piccolo gioiello immerso tra le colline.

Costruita nella seconda metà del XII secolo con conci in calcare e basalto, presenta una pianta a navata singola con abside orientata a est.

La facciata ha un campanile a vela, un portale architravato e un chiaro accenno alla bicromia.

Sebbene abbia subìto alcune demolizioni nel XIX secolo, il restauro nel 1982 ha restituito parte del suo splendore.


The church of San Lorenzo is located on a hill, in total harmony with the space that welcomes it, and is situated near Rebeccu, the mysterious and legendary medieval village, which is now abandoned.

We have no specific information on its construction, but the structural analysis of the building and the discovery, in 1831, of a lead seal of Barisone II, judge of Torres between 1147 and 1186, allow us to chronologically place its construction in the second half of the 12th century.

The façade has a bell gable and an architraved portal surmounted by a lunette.

Wide corner pilasters surround the base of the gables, characterised by the presence of five small arches. In both gables, a cruciform light illuminates the hall.

The floor plan has a single nave with an oriented apse.

The original facing is made of limestone ashlars with basalt inserts: a clear hint of two-colouring.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the church underwent a partial demolition, becoming a quarry for the construction of the Rebeccu parish church. In 1982, the south side and the wooden roof were restored.

As we make our way towards the next stage, a farewell to this little jewel, perfectly set among the hills, leaves us with the reverberation of its beautiful forms.


V. Angius, voci “Bonorva”, “Ribeccu”, in G. Casalis, Dizionario geografico storico-statistico-commerciale degli Stati di S.M. il re di Sardegna, Torino, G. Maspero, II, 1834, p. 435; XV, 1847, p. 204;
P. Martini, “Sigillo di re Barusone”, in Bullettino Archeologico Sardo, IV, 1858, pp. 90-91;
G. Lilliu, “Va in rovina presso Rebeccu la chiesa romanica di San Lorenzo”, in La Nuova Sardegna, 29 settembre 1972;
A. Sari, “Aggiunte a L’architettura del Medioevo in Sardegna di Raffaello Delogu”, in Archivio Storico Sardo, XXX, 1976, pp. 211-217;
A. Sari, “Nuove testimonianze architettoniche per la conoscenza del Medioevo in Sardegna”, in Archivio Storico Sardo, XXXII, 1981, pp. 95-100;
R. Serra, La Sardegna, collana ”Italia romanica”, Milano, 1989, pp. 400-401;
R. Coroneo, Architettura romanica dalla metà del Mille al primo ‘300, collana “Storia dell’arte in Sardegna”, Nuoro, 1993, sch. 92;
R. Coroneo, Chiese romaniche della Sardegna. Itinerari turistico culturali, Cagliari, 2005, p. 55.

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