La chiesa di San Michele o Santu Miali a Irgoli, Sardegna, rappresenta un luogo sacro intriso di storia e tradizione.

La sua aula, la più antica del paese, potrebbe avere origini nel XII secolo e sorge sulle rovine di una tomba dei giganti, monumento dedicato alla sepoltura e al culto degli antenati.

La facciata esterna è semplice, con un portale ad arco a tutto sesto e un campanile a vela.

L’interno, con copertura a capriate lignee, ospita piccoli piatti ex voto in ceramica, conci di basalto e granito.

La chiesa conserva una statua di San Michele rappresentato, come è tradizione, con la bilancia che indica la “pesatura delle anime” dopo la morte.

Un tempo S. Michele del Camposanto si celebrava il 29 settembre con il contributo dei giovani non sposati, e ancora oggi sono moltissimi i fedeli a lui devoti.


It is not uncommon to come across buildings of worship that have arisen in places where sacredness has permeated the life of the communities that have succeeded one another over the previous millennia.

The church of San Michele, formerly known as ‘S. Michele del Camposanto’ (Saint Michael of the Cemetery) due to the presence of the cemetery in the small square in front of it, is an example of this continuity, in fact it was built on the ruins of a tomb of giants, a monument dedicated precisely to the burial and worship of ancestors.

The hall, set in the urban context, is the oldest in the town and is believed to date back to the 12th century. Its uniqueness, as already mentioned, derives from the fact that it was built on the ruins of a giants’ tomb, of which an apsidal slab was reused, as material to make the altar.

Externally, the single-nave church is characterised by its great simplicity. The external facings are made of small-sized ashlars. The façade has a single mirror where a portal opens with a round arch surmounted by a double-pitched roof and a bell gable.

The sides are reinforced by buttresses and, in the one on the right, there is a side entrance that, like the main one, has a round arch. The only hall in the interior is roofed with wooden trusses and several basalt and granite ashlars are also inserted in the perimeter walls, where small coloured ceramic votive plates are housed. The presbytery area is delimited by the arch of the original apse, which is not visible from the outside. Another element of particular interest is the reuse of a prehistoric betyle for the construction of a stoup.


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COMUNE:Irgoli INDIRIZZO:Via San Michele & Via Ciusa Francesco Incrocio, 08020 Irgoli NU MAPPA:Array
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