La chiesa romanica di Santa Lucia di Monastir, situata tra le tranquille campagne, rappresenta un legame prezioso tra l’ambiente urbano e quello rurale, offrendo un senso di appartenenza alla comunità.

Costruita alla fine del XIII secolo, è documentata fin dal XIV secolo come parte di Baratuili, vicino al castello medievale di Baradili, oggi in rovina.

L’edificio presenta una semplice navata senza abside e un porticato datato probabilmente al XVII secolo.

La facciata conserva tratti romanici, con un portale centinato e un campanile a vela.

Internamente, spicca il Retablo secentesco di Santa Lucia.

Questa chiesa è amata dalla comunità che la celebra annualmente nell’ultima domenica di agosto con una suggestiva processione.


There is a close relationship between purely urban landscape contexts and those in the countryside, which are nevertheless capable of giving a sense of belonging within the community. The Romanesque church of Santa Lucia di Monastir, immersed in the countryside where peace and nature reign, is one of these examples, also thanks to the feast dedicated to her every year on the last Sunday of August, when the entire community participates in the event with an evocative procession followed by traditional celebrations.

The hall was built towards the end of the 13th century, but the first written document in which it appears dates back only to 1777, where it is described as a very ancient church located in the uninhabited villa of Baratuili, already documented from the 14th century, that stood near the medieval castle of Baradili, of which few ruins survive.

The building of worship has a single nave with no apse and is surrounded on three sides by a portico probably dating back to the 17th century. The façade, composed of limestone ashlars of different colours, still retains its original Romanesque features and features a round-headed portal. Above the portal is a mullioned window with a decorated monolithic centina, on either side of which is a horizontal arch. The gable end is surmounted by a bell gable in axis with the mullioned window and portal. On the left side, whose front section still retains elements of the Romanesque period, there is another curved portal set on two capitals, one of which is decorated with an anthropomorphic protome.

Inside, the simple nave with a wooden truss roof still shows traces of the arch of the now disappeared apse in the chancel wall. The hall is embellished with several pieces of furniture, among which the 17th-century retable of St. Lucy stands out.

COMUNE:Monastir INDIRIZZO:Chiesa di Santa Lucia, località Santa Lucia, Monastir, SU, Italia MAPPA:Array
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